Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Man is the best imitator:

The reason for Man being the best imitator could be biological. This imitation determines the way world goes. When we're born, our mind is like a blank hard disk. As we grow we see, listen and experience many things. These form impressions in our mind which will influence  our reactions and decisions. Hence our personality is a sum total of all the conditions in which we're brought up.
As we grow, our elders teach us how to do things. Their elders taught the same to them. This is how how-to-do-procedure is passed on from one generation to another generation. If somebody tries to do things in a way different from the traditionally accepted way, they are criticized and their ideas are met with skepticism. And some doomsayers predict the end of the world. This is one major reason that prevents innovative thinking.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I prefer to compare mind as a processor instead of hard disk, which can do nothing by itself.
If mind is the processor, heart is the ROM for it.
ofcrs, you can call a part of mind as hard disk since data is stored in mind only.