Monday, February 9, 2009

World became more dynamic?

Change is common phenomenon in this world. When we ask people who have been doing a particular job and looking for new job, the reason for their quest, the answer we get in most of the cases is 'looking for a change'. On the other side we fear about change. This is duplicity. (I am not trying to find fault with people.) World changes continously. It has been transforming contenously since it was born after the BIg Bang that happened billions of years ago. What we see today is a result of series of changes that took place over a period of billions of years. Change is so dangerous that it some times it resulted in the complete wipe out of famous Dinosaurs species. The reason is climatic change.
The next point i would like to take your attention to is, time taken for a change. Continuing in the climate terms, these days we see that time taken for change of climate is reducing continuously and at a greater pace. This could be attributed to man's actions. To correct this through out the world, we see many environmentalists fighting for better climate environment.
So the things we see with nature is also applicable to lot of things we do in our daily life and so we can learn some lessons from nature. World is symmetric in many aspects. I would like extrapolate this 'rapid pace of change' to business. We see that there is a change in the way the business is carried out. Though the fundamental rules on which is business is carried out is same. The ways that are used for carrying out the business are under constant change. Research tells that the average life time of a corporate has come down from 120 yrs to 25 years. The reasons for change could be many which are out of ones control. One should anticipate change and be armed to face the dragon of change.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Good analysis....
Each invention changes the world drastically. Not just, the life span of corporate... life span of humans also reducing day by day......